Sunday, June 23, 2013

Blizzard says it's ok to be a jerk, help pkpkg wow gold services

So I was in a LFR (yeah shoot me please) waiting for a tank on Dark Animus. A dps gets all upset because the queue is taking awhile and decides cheap wow gold shoot the 1 hp boss starter, leave group and make everyone wipe.

Naturally since I am stupid and naive I think Blizz would want cheap wow gold know something about that cheap wow gold stop that person from doing it again since it's one person basically being a jerk cheap wow gold 24 of their paying customers. You'd think they'd want cheap wow gold know so they could do something easy cheap wow gold stop that person from doing it again or at least make them think twice about it. All they'd have cheap wow gold do is stop that person from doing LFR for a month for example and word would quickly get around.

But lo and behold, there is no way cheap wow gold report a person for that anymore. It's not one of the choices for writing a ticket. The only way cheap wow gold report a person is by right-clicking their name, but he left the group so there is no way cheap wow gold right click his name. PLUS, if you could right click his name there is nothing for reporting something like this anyway. Even though this behaviour is kind of common (now I know why it's common).

Isn't this griefing? Isn't this part of the EULA? The only assumption I can make is Blizz is ok with this, they've certainly guaranteed no one will suffer for it.

So go at it jerks, you've found your game.

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